Velvety-Smooth Cumin and Fennel Beetroot Soup

can’t wait to try this. Looks Delicious!

food to glow

beetroot and tomato soupNearly everyone and everything says that autumn has arrived: my flame-red Virginia Creeper climbing up the garage; the carpet of crispy oak leaves on my sad excuse for a lawn; excitable foodies on Twitter going pumpkin latte-mad; pull-out newspaper supplements with food porn shots of, yup, pumpkins.

I am ready, finger poised to flip my figurative calendar over to October, but Edinburgh has not got the memo. It is in point of fact warmer and drier this past week than it has been most of the summer. I nearly put on shorts but hadn’t had the foresight to make sure my legs were fit for public viewing (ahem).

So, here I am, outside in a loose t-shirt, squinting into a lowering retina-searing sun, writing about hot soup.

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